
43. How to get your clients to find you on autopilot with Giulia Cian Seren

43. How to get your clients to find you on autopilot with Giulia Cian Seren Giulia Cian Seren

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Online visibility in today’s world goes without saying for businesses that intend to best serve their customers as well as attract the ideal ones on repeat.

If you were to Google for the solution that you offer (not including your name or the name of your business because that would be cheating!), would your business come up on the first page of the search results?


Well lucky for your Giulia is coming to the rescue. In this episode, she will let you know why you should consider Google ads, SEO, and more to help your ideal client find you instead, listen in as she drops her tips on digital visibility.

Online visibility in today's world goes without saying for businesses that intend to best serve their customers as well as attract the ideal ones on repeat. If you were to Google for the solution that you offer (not including your name or the name of your business because that would be cheating!), would your business come up on the first page of the search results?


"What’s important as a business owner is that your business is getting seen every day by the right people and inevitably those that do want or need your solution will buy.”


Being visible online will no longer be an issue for you because this episode is bringing all the good stuff!!

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[01:50] “My answer to how do you get consistent clients for me is to figure out your traffic puzzle. Which channels can you have on the back-burner or on autopilot that continue to work without your help. These are things like Google ads, Facebook retargeting, SEO, stuff like that”.

[02:10] “Digital marketing doesn't actually require that many tech skills. And honestly more often than not, especially for small businesses, it's not about the tech stuff, but it's about getting the basics".

[28:30] “The advice that I would give to myself is to just do things on my own. Even if it is a little bit more expensive upfront but that way I'll always be a hundred percent in control of my business".



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Get your hands on Giulia's FREE Email Marketing Resource.

Check out Giulian’s website here >>

If you loved hearing from Giulian and I today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


BE DO HAVE with Jim Fortin


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

31. How to Use Your Chakra's to Grow Your Business

31. How to Use Your Chakra's to Grow Your Business


I have known todays guest for over 4 years now. We've hung online and in person in Santa Barbara. I have always been in awe of her passion, business skills and friggin SEXY IG account. How is she so god dam cute?!

So when she said yes to be on the Poddy I just knew you'd want to hear all about how to have growth and momentum in your business by understanding and using your chakra energy.

Amber-Lee Lyons is on FIRE on this episode where she drops some hard truths and highlights it is the woo with the doo to get ahead in the online space!


“I am a Wealthy Woman”


Get ready to be centered and a few truth bombs to kick you up the butt in this episode….

[14:52] What does a $6k launch have to do with the worst time in Amber's business?

[17:05] Amber shares how to shake the bad day feeling. You know those kind of days - where you spill your coffee and then the rest of the day is a write off! Well, tune in to see how to buck this and keep having the good day you deserve.

[20:57] I loved how Amber shared how to use your desires as the North Star in your life - that GPS to get what you want. I'm using it right now.

I especially loved what Amber-Lee wanted to tell her younger self - it’s OK to slow down and look after yourself. I say this as I have a mega tight chest and am a day late in producing this episode. So, it’s a daily lesson for all….and BREATH!



Follow Amber-Lee on Instagram: @chakragirlco

Take Amber-Lee’s quiz here to find out what chakra block is holding you back from living your best life >> Quiz

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Amber-Lee today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

23. Business at the front, party at the back. You don't always have to be go-go-go.

23. Business at the front, party at the back. You don't always have to be go-go-go.

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Magic. That's is the standard Taki Moore runs his business by. Not some, one-size-fits-all product you can buy in a box, but creating a business that fits you like a glove so you can happily do it forever.

He describes his own business like a mullet, business in the front, party in the back. They work hard, but they also celebrate, rest, and reflect. You will definitely walk away from this episode with one or two nuggets you are going to want to implement into your business, if not for success, then definitely to make it a bit more fun.


“It’s best to run a business that fits you, not somebody else’s business model. That way you have a business that doesn’t just make great money and help clients win, but it feels great to you and you could effortlessly do it forever.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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This business journey… If you knew upfront what it was going to take. Yeah. Like nobody would take that deal. If you're good at this, or frankly, any business, you're a problem solver. That's kinda, that's your life and frankly, we've got to where we are by solving the next problem.

[03:50] One thing I will say is if you're early stage business, I think it's dangerous to look at what seven and eight figure people do and go, Oh, I should be doing that because they're doing what's right for their stage now, not necessarily what you should be doing to get there.

[08:03] Conversions happen in conversations. And so it's just about having a conversation and working out like, are we a fit or are we not? If we are a fit, it's going to be obvious to both of us that we should work together. And if we're not, it's going to be obviously the most that we want and let's just kind of leave it right there

[18:38] We run our business on six week cycles. And what I love about that is it puts you in this kind of a mad scientist experimenting position all the time, which is really fun. There's like zero pressure it six weeks if it bombs in six weeks, Okay, well, we'll do something else in the next next cycle. And if it works, we keep it. And so I love the freedom that experimenting gives you

If Taki could do one thing different it is that he would have hired people to help him in his business BEFORE he could even afford it. He'd get a VA and get people like ad specialists and graphic designers so they could work in their zone of genius and he could focus on his. Because after all… THAT'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS!


Penny Elliott Podcaster

Follow Taki on Instagram: @takimoore

Get Taki's freebie - The Webinar Walkthrough

Connect with Taki on his website:

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Taki today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

22. No clients, no problem. How to use this extra time to ensure sales.

22. No clients, no problem. How to use this extra time to ensure sales.

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This lady oozes confidence and that's what makes her so successful in selling her high-ticket services. She even believes that having no clients isn't something to stress about, it is a blessing in disguise! More time to market and get your sh*t together she reckons. So many gold nuggets in this episode you do not want to miss.


“Elevate their experience, even though you serve small businesses, it doesn’t mean you have to give small service.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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Ashley knows what she's worth! And from this understanding she runs her business and her team. She isn't afraid to ask for the $$$ because she also knows that what her clients are getting is nothing short of the best.

[02:53] I'm always thinking about creative strategies to reengage our current clients and also bring in new clients because there's typically a lot of opportunity with the current clients that you have. So a lot of what we do after we get a client is okay, what all can we learn about them? And how can we automate client touch? So we want to know all their birthdays. We want to know their anniversary. We want to have it automated so that they get a card from us in the mail or something.

[06:27] A lot of people give up too soon. So we'll try something for a month and we won't get any clients. And we're like, Oh, well then I have to switch course. No, you have to be consistent. And in the online space, it's a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs that pop up every day. So people don't really know if you're legit, unless you dig in deep and keep putting out content every single day. If you're not getting clients, that means you have more time to market

[11:14] It's gonna pay off, just keep your foot on the gas. Because if you make $1, you can make a hundred. If you make a hundred, you can make a thousand, you make a thousand, you can make a million. It's just a matter of the different strategies you implement at each level of the makeup.

When you're just starting your business, the hardest thing to do is to take yourself out of that mindset of desperation. You cannot sell from a desperate place. No one is looking to hire as service provider that's desperate. So the sale, all of that doesn't work because if I'm hiring you, it's because you have something that I don't have. You have something that I want, whether it's legal services, knowledge or anything else. But if you're selling from a place of desperation, I can't see the solution.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Ashley on Instagram: @theashleynicoleshow

Get Ashley’s freebie - Trademark Training

Connect with Ashley on her website:

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Ashley today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

20. Pinterest, your new goldmine?

20. Pinterest, your new goldmine?

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Been called a Spitfire by Barack Obama herself, Monica is anything but quiet and a pushover. She gained the interest of the White House because of her blog where she shared her outrage about the horrible laws America has when it comes to maternity leave.

If this shows anything it's that Monica will leave no stone unturned to make waves in the area she's passionate about. Lucky for us, her interest has shifted to the power of Pinterest to drive sales in your business, and she's sharing her expertise with us today.

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“ Business is a bunch of failures mixed together to make a success. ”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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I never was going to start a business that was not actually on my roadmap whatsoever. I spent 11 years working for a fortune 100 company on the tech space, I was on the corporate track. And then in 2012, I had my first baby and in the United States, we have horrible laws for maternity leave and that's when things changed…

[09:47] I I was getting asked the question so many times that I recorded 13 videos in 2017, it was not meant to be a course. It was just 13 videos, basically answering all the questions I kept getting asked. And from there, it took on a life of its own. Once you get one person results and the next person wants results and they recommend you to their friends.

[13:20] The real key on Pinterest is that you have to think of it as what is my person coming to? What problem are they searching? What visual inspiration can I provide to them? And then, so basically their problem is the keyword. The search result is the inspiration. And once they click to your site, your sales funnel is the solution.

[14:41] Instagram requires more con connection than Pinterest does. So it's actually, the thing is, you really can make passive sales on Pinterest. So think about effort. There's some effort that goes into Instagram and maybe I'm biased because I've been doing this a long time. But Pinterest, to me, it kind of seems like, well, people are already there searching for it. 

There are more ways that lead to Rome, and maybe you weren't planning on starting your own business. But like Monica, things changed in your life and somehow you found your way to the entrepreneur life. Know that there are things that make your life easier though! You don't have to figure it all out on your own.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Monica on Instagram: @redefiningmom

Get Monica's freebie - Pin Practical Ads

Connect with Monica on her website:

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Monica today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!

14. Let your freak-flag fly to build trust by using this overlooked lead generation gem.

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We live in the age where "Googling and YouTubing” are now in the dictionary. We no longer have to ask a teacher, research a book, or struggle along to find the answer. We now just type it into a search bar and we get results in 1.7 seconds. How can we make sure we are noticed in all this noise? Trena Little is an expert when it comes to using the second biggest search engine in the world as your own personal lead generator. She is spilling the beans on the dos and don'ts and how to's of this platform.


“Just let it go, let your freak flag fly. That's how you're going to create a community of people that love you and that want to work and buy from you.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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Don't shy away because it feels like another thing on your to-do list. YouTube IS your to-do list. It can be the content creator for your entire business when done right.

[02:53] If my audience is struggling with something, that's where they're going to figure it out, YouTube or Google. And if my content, my video can solve their problem, especially when they're in a pain point and they're Googling it or YouTube-ing it and I can fix it for them, instant trust is built. 

[07:41] The power that YouTube can have because you're playing with the two biggest search engines for something like Instagram or Facebook isn't necessarily a search engine. I have a video of three years ago that still drives me, leads to my email list every single day from three years ago. There is no Facebook live that's driving you leads that you did three years ago.

[08:59] You make your YouTube video, you have newsletter content, blog content, Facebook, IG TV, you name it.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow Trena on Instagram: @trena_little

Get Trena's YouTube Roadmap

Connect with Trena on her website:

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from Trena today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


Get Momentum - Your Ultimate Guide To Create $100k in 100 Days Without Fear, Overwhelm and Burnout is the book that gives you the perfect mix of mindset and strategy to create a business and life you love. I call it the Woo with the Doo! Grab a copy here today!