High-ticket offers

42. How to sell high-ticket offers with Divian Mistry

42. How to sell high-ticket offers with Divian Mistry


Going around and around in circles, not feeling comfortable selling high-ticket offers because you don't think you are worthy to charge? Wanting to charge more but feel like ‘you don't have what it takes’ we've all been there but today Divian calls a big BS on that strategy…


Because he says the two are not correlated whatsoever, whooosh! Did that just go over your head? Don't panic, he explains it all in detail in his episode with me. Get ready to take some notes, this was an episode for the books!

Going around and around in circles, not feeling comfortable selling high-ticket offers because you don't think you are worthy to charge? Wanting to charge more but feel like 'you don't have what it takes' we've all been there but today Divian calls a big BS on that strategy... Why?


“Your self-worth has zero correlation to the things that you do, the amount that you achieve, or what you charge.”


Get ready for some truths about your self-worth, selling high-ticket offers, dealing with fear and so much more -

Divian - Divian Mistry.jpg

[01:32] “In reality, if you want to sell a high ticket offer, one of the biggest challenges people face is their baggage around their self-worth and the price that they can charge. The two are not correlated whatsoever.”

[04:49] I've been behind the scenes of a number of different businesses, ranging from people who are one-man bands doing $50,000 a year to multiple seven-figure businesses, building the backend. And I see this over and over again, that little voice in your head going "I'll only be worthy when I do this” "when I've reached that”. That fear never goes away, no matter what level you're on. Different levels, different devils".

[31:40] People highly overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade. I have seen so many of my friends in entrepreneurship and the ones who are really successful are the ones that are consistent over the long term.

Penny Elliott Podcaster


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