15. From failure to 82 months of 100K or more, what's the secret?

15. From failure to 82 months of 100K or more, what's the secret?

Episode 15 - John Lee Dumas.png

Failure, don't we love that word? If anyone is acquainted with it its John Lee Dumas from dropping out of law school, a short unsuccessful stint in real estate, failed launches and everything in between, this man has done it and failed. How then, did he just finish his 82nd consecutive months of a net profit of a hundred thousand dollars or more? Tune in and find out!


“I like to ask my audience, what is your biggest struggle? And then I create solutions for that. I don't care what my biggest struggle is.”


You’ll blow your mind in this episode with this….

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my secret sauce is creating free, valuable, and consistent content. And when I do that, I'm able to create that know like, and trust with an audience that keeps on flowing. not for five or six weeks, 2000 days, and beyond!

[02:53] I was just chasing success that whole time. Or what I thought was success, like fame, fortune money, but I wasn't doing anything of value. I wasn't providing value and I definitely wasn't providing value on a consistent basis.

[07:41] I said to myself, if I ever get to the point where I'm making money, I want to show people behind the scenes. I want to pull back the kimono. I want to show them the ingredients of what's working and what's not working because we share the failures as well. And we have those. 

[08:59] We're here on this beautiful earth for one brief moment in time, and then it's over. And like, we put all the stress and anxiety on like everything that we do. And then we look back and we're like, man, those are my glory years. But like, I wasn't even enjoying it. Cause I was worried about X, Y, and Z.

John's message to everyone is to be in it for the long run. All those overnight successes you see on social media are built on a mountain of failures. John didn't see any results of all his hard work for the first 13 months of the podcast! And then overnight, like a tidal wave, the money started coming in. Stick with it, it's going to be worth it!

Penny Elliott Podcaster


Follow John on Instagram: @johnleedumas

Get John's Funnel on Fire Free Course

Connect with John on his website: eofire.com

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penny_elliott_

If you loved hearing from John today, I'd love to hear all about it! Take a screenshot and post it to your Instagram Stories telling me where you listened to us and the one thing you’re going to implement today tagging me @penny_elliott_


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