Do this for an easy win to grow your following

Sick of trying to get people on to your mailing list? 

Do they trickle in from your ads? 2 a day?

Maybe 9 a day?

Or you encourage people to look at your website and hope they fill out your newsletter subscribe box?

Maybe you want to launch a new product and can't afford the marketing spend to go with it to go really big.

Or you want people to come to you, yet word of mouth isn't cutting it.

Would you love to get a huge HIT of visibility? Make a big impact that is va-vooom 'this is who I am and what I have to offer world!'?

Some way to get people coming to you, and in their 100's or even 1,000's? 

Yep, I have been there and felt that stuck too. Like I was rooted in one place feverishly trying to let people know about my new business. And the trickle on to my list wasn't cutting my over-achieving mindset.

I went back to my crust - media.

I have been a journalist and magazine editor for over 10 years now; full time and freelance, UK and NZ.

And getting in the media give you the one-to-many model that grows your list by 100's over-night!

Here is my latest feature as a guest expert in M2Woman's magazine >>

And here is the last summit I was the highlighted speaker >>

This could be you too . 

You see grabbing media attention is a lot easier than you think. I should know - I have sat on the other side looking for people to write features for me. 

As a business owner this is a great use of your time too as someone else spreads your message to their community.

Interested to know more? I have a fab new group opening up soon all about how to grow your visibility, list and ultimately your bank account by attracting new clients in to your business. 

Jump on the waitlist here >>

It's all hush hush at the moment BUT I can tell you the group will involve:
- over 15 ways to grow your reach, visibility, list and paying clients. - guest experts that will make your jaw drop
- the reason why it's important to have several tools running for you to attract clients
- the magic behind the tools to turn leads in to paying clients.

Jump on the waitlist to be first to know when the group opens up by clicking here >>


P.S. Want to know how you too can get in the media with your business? Jump on the waitlist here to be first to know.

You'll get 14 other ways to grow your reach too so you can pick and choose what works best for you and your clients.