34. How to network like a mofo without leaving the house!

34. How to network like a mofo without leaving the house!


When I first jumped on a call with this powerhouse she blew my socks off with her energy.

The energy was backed up with intelligence and I just knew I had to share her knowledge and experience with you.

Kimberly Hobscheid is a SUPER Connector and runs multiple online events. This is one lady you need to know.


“Show up real vulnerable - be you”


You’ll get activated in this episode by this….


[3:30] Imagine if we could give you a sort of a magic pixie dust to sprinkle over you and you could handle 10 times the amount of business that you have right now, and do less work to get it... would that be of interest to you?

[8:12] When you do that and you bring in and attract to you the right kinds of people, other people will flock to as well because of the shining star sort of thing - that moth to the flame. Find out what 'that' is!

[16:58] Hear hoe Kimberly built her own 7 figure jail! 'we actually built it to the point where after 18 months it had generated over a million dollars in revenue, a seven figure business. And I looked back and I realised that I had built my own jail cell.'



Connect with Kimberly on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlyhobscheid

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