What would you do if you could make $2,000 in THREE DAYS?
That’s what I did with the right promo post.
Friday is promo day in most Facebook groups. Did you post anything before last weekend? Did you see any results?
That’s the hope, isn’t it? That this will be the week you’ll get some sales. And off you go promoting in each group you’re in. Cut and paste, cut and paste.
But are you getting anywhere with these group promo threads? I’m guessing not.
And I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault, lovely.
Because until you know how to do this correctly, you’ll just be ticking the box, thinking you’re doing the right thing by putting your offer out there each week.
But then: crickets. And then the doubt creeps in. Have I got the wrong offer? Why don’t they buy? Why do they just like posts, comment, and never contact me? Should I create another offer? And the spiral continues . . .
The truth is, all you need to know is HOW to create a captivating and engaging post and be ahead of the rest of the commenters that week.
I’m going to show you the right way of doing your weekly promo post and—SPOILER ALERT—it doesn’t start on a Friday.
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P.S. Want to live a rich and relaxed lifestyle? This awesome FREE training is the first step. Stay tuned!