Did you catch this weeks Mid Week Masterclass Extravaganza?!
We didn't see you on Live? No problem - jump in here and watch the replay.
Anna Powers walked us all through the importance of sales copy (like going from $2k to $136 in a year....yahuh...we all want that right?!) to the actual template to plug and play in your sales page.
Now if your crushing it and have soo much money that you're already feeding a million children and providing fresh water to the entirety of India - then thanks for joining my list Tony Robbins!
If you're not quite there yet then watch the replay and get gritty with these gems Anna went in to detail on -
- The importance of knowing your client and how to actually do that.
- Pain is not just for the dentist but a place you need to take people too as well.
- What the Heart Palace is...not what you might be thinking...
I loved how Anna ended with
"Business doesn't have to be over complicated, just use the template!"
So true - and you can get this amazing gift at the end of the recording.
Jump on in!
Big love,
P.S. Want to know who is next weeks guest?? Make sure your Notifications is set to All Posts in the Sales Superhero Entrepreneur Facebook Group to be first in line to know.
NOTE - If you're not in the Sales Superhero Entrepreneurs Facebook Group then click this link first - join and then the link to the vid will work in this email for you.