Don't ask me to help you launch a group program!


Today should have been a glorious day celebrating the cart closing on my first group program. I have it diarised to buy my flights to go to my next Mastermind at the Ritz in Paris as a way of celebrating. 


I even had this newsletter written up of the flurry of sales over the weekend that had exceeded my target. 

And the scholarship place I wanted to offer as a way of giving back to you all for the emails in your inbox the past 4 weeks. 

I believed in the Super Soulful Selling Program THAT much. 

And I didn't just 'want' it. 

I took action too.


I did all the steps my coach laid out for me to replicate her 6 figure launches - 

- market research interviews

- polls on topics

- FB ad campaign with a specialist to warm my audience by sending them to a few blog posts
- then retargeted to a totally now opt in that they chose from a poll as the thing they needed the most. 

- The opt in lead to a challenge in my FB Group

- This then was retargeted to my 3 webinars

- All 3 webinars were different topics and had 3 seperate funnels

- In the final week I did a Mini Series on my FB Page which got 163 direct click throughs to the website, and after 1,200 clicks on the lives (at just 1c each) and 748 clicks on the other one (at just 2c each)

- I posted in 7 other groups (value and CTA posts) continually for weeks

- I sent all the emails out to you  including FAQ's and a personal message

- I personally emailed and spoke to 87 people to help me get my message out and work in JV's

- 5 people promoted me to their list and/or group
- I offered free decision making calls

- I hired a team to help me with the tech and design work

- I had my website re-branded too (have you seen it yet ? It's rather sexy looking)


I did the woo woo steps too and felt totally aligned with the Universe -

- daily mindset work (morning and night)

- meditation with my Muse

- mantras

- visualisation and vison book

- a letter in the prayer box

- a list of numbers to put the new ladies names beside when they registered, holding space for them.

- phone notes

- notes around the house

- flower remedies

- essential oils


And I was tracking right for the numbers needed with 80% of sales coming in the last 24-48 hours. 

Yet, no-one came. 



Yep, , I am a sales coach and couldn't fill my group program. 

Shameful right? 

I have cried. 

A lot.

So much so my poor husband is on constant hug mode. (I'm not usually a cryer).

So. What now after you fail ?

First - take a break.                    

Then, look at the stats and see what you can do better next time. 

Decided if there is a next time or if you try something different.

And then deliver the current program with gusto and gorgeous attention that the awesome ladies who DID sign up get. Give them the love and compassion they deserve. Ensure they have amazing sales in their business through heart centered approaches one on one. Because let's face it, all my clients get results + more!

I love this quote from Price Pritchett and although it sucks while you are in the middle of the failure, the truth is there and you have to just ride it out.

"Unless you allow yourself to make mistakes, to fail, you will never have the opportunity to test the limits of what you truly are capable of accomplishing."

"So think of problems or pain or slippage in performance as a positive sign. A performance lag ordinarily occurs at the very outset when you are making a quantum leap. It's the pause during which you poise for the jump, the temporary loss of momentum that occurs in the process of 'changing gears.'"


Here's to the next chapter! 

Contact me if you want your sales to grow; I can do that with my eyes closed. 

DO NOT contact me if you want to launch a group program!

Much love,

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P.S. If you do want into the group and somehow missed all of the marketing over the past 4 weeks, then pop me an email and I'll see what I can do.