While I am sitting in the Maldives loving life I have had time to reflect on how my life got to this and who has played a major role in creating my laptop lifestyle.
It is no secret that moving in to the coaching biz I was new to the industry. I absorbed everything (and still do) from the woman before me. I want to share with you the woman and the tips that have helped me move forward in my business.
These points are my interpretation of their coaching and has played a key role in how I have accelerated my business so quickly.
Here are the top 8 tips that helped me grow my business and can grow yours too!
- Emily Williams, I Heart My Life. Do you want to be scared or rich? It is your choice. Another gem of hers is - Clarity comes from action. I just love this one because it keeps you moving forward.
- Noor Hibert, This is you Dream. Mantra like a mo-fo. What you repeat in your head, or even out loud will create your reality. e.g. $10k months are my new normal. In other words, your thoughts create your reality, so make your thoughts what you want your reality to be. Easy huh?
- Christina Jandali, Deliver Your Genius. Set an intention to bring in one client and do everything you can to future that lead. In other words don’t have a scatter gun approach, be selective and direct.
- Laura Wright, EPIC at Sales. Create a container around your sale with several options of levels of support for your clients. Make it easy for your clients to say yes and feel supported. It’s about the dollars and cents.
- Janelle Ladewig, Janelle Ladewig. Know what the money you want coming in to your business is needed for, this way the Universe will support you. And deliver for you. Have strong mindset and morning routines that serve you.
- Selena Soo, S2 Group. Your influencers are not only the people that you admire in the spotlight. They can be the person one (or even half) step ahead of you. Reach out in a place of service with no requirement to want to get anything back. Make life easy for your influencers and don’t create more work for them.
- Kim Heinz, Kim Heinz. All things technical are easy, just work through them. (or as I do, send it to Kim and her team to do!)
- Racheal McMicheal, The Techspert. The riches and in the niches. And she is talking Facebook niches. Find them for your ideal client and your cost per conversion will plummet.
And one from a bloke, but he’s fairly awesome, so I am including him! James Williams, I Heart My Life. Meditate and do it with intention. Boy he worked hard on me to meditate and now I have a MUSE it is easy, and fun. Ok Ok and I get stats!
So, who has taken you to a higher place in your business ? Who has shown you the path to taking your business to the next level? What areas do you need support the most?
Now I am not saying go to the Maldives (although it is frickin cool here) to have space to reflect. You can start by writing down who you are grateful for and why in your life.
It’s also nice to let those people know too.
Massive hugs,