[PODCAST] You feature too


Yesterday I wrote to you about how to grow your list while you slept in 5 simple ways. 

And today I want to show you what is possible with the one-to-man model....

It started back in February

.....a cheeky kiwi girl did a video pitch to a HUGE podcast King. 

She had balls.

She went straight to the TOP of the podcasting world.

This podcast King is ranked no.1 in many Podcast charts, on 7 platforms and has over 1,000,000 listeners! (yes - count those zeros).

He's even been asked by Tony Robbins to be featured on his podcast show.

Woosh - the sound of the email video pitch flying into wifi land. 

Then that vomitty-excited-feeling came over her...

And she knew it was something she needed to do.

Fast forward 4 months. 

She got an email in my inbox.......

......she had been selected out of the 400 applications they get each month! 


Launch day here list grew by 100's while she slept, her website when crazy with the most amount of traffic she had ever seen...(388% increase to be precise). 

And her inbox went crazy with direct emails. 

Is this a story you want to have in your business? 

An easier way to grow your list, community and book clients - with out the constant hustle? Without spending all your fun tokens on advertising? 

Well if I can - you can too because guess what .... 

....that cheeky kiwi girl is me. And the podcast is EoFire.

You can listen right here >>

Episode 1844 is LIVE - JLD and PE rocking the mic AND getting my message out to so many more woman!

Craving this kind of community building and buzz without the hard-hustle? 

Tomorrow I'll reveal just how you can go for those vomitty-excited-opportunities too! Keep you're eyes pealed in your email. 

In the meantime - enjoy listening and share with your biz-babe mates. 


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P.S. Want to grow your list by hundreds and website traffic in the 300% range? Have a listen to the latest episode of EoFire here >>where I am interviewed by the host John Lee Dumas.