Is it tangerine? Or is it the navy?
Which was the dog?
I had the privilege of being in the room with award winning designer Andrea Moore this week as she spoke about how to stretch and grow with risk in business.
Watch it here >>
Moore's key take-away was to make sure you have risks yet set parameters to stay inside of.
Like sticking to 3 colours in a range; black (easy), navy (looks good on most woman) and tangerine (risky yet so vibrant)
Now if you're anything like me you'll have a million and one idea's everyday.
What Moore has learnt in 20 years in the fashion world is that you need to have risk (these bright ideas) to grow and stretch your zone or offering.
Yet to keep them in the container of your core business and brand.
Sometimes they were dogs and sometimes they were sell outs.
What made the difference was her ability to see that you need to take the risk and know you will find a winner.
Are you willing to take the risk and find the winner?
Are you willing to risk having a few dogs along the way in order to have a few winners?
Is it a new program you want to launch, or trying a new system to create automation in your business. Or is it a risky new mindset that makes you feel uncomfortable?
Maybe it is hiring support in your business that feels like a risk to you.
I felt the same way when I started my business. I was scared to invest in me and a mentor. Trying it alone was the 'safe' option.
What I have found is when I go out on a limb and take a risk
I see the greatest growth.
Accelerated growth.
And it's fun too.
That breath taking moment that you feel excitement mixed with a bit of sick in your mouth. I know then that it is exactly the right move for me and magic is coming.
This magic is yours for the taking too .
You just need to take that risk, just like Moore does every season.
See you on the risk side!
P.S. Want me to show you how to have accelerated growth and take risks that are in your parameters? Book some magic with me here. (rabbits in hats are optional)
P.P.S. Was it navy or tangerine that was the dog? Click here to find out >>
P.P.P.S. I do love doggies so mean now harm in this email!