First Name
Last Name
Email Address
What is your mailing address?
What is your business in?
What is the gender of your ideal client?
What types of products and services do you provide?
What are your ideal client's pain points?
How do your products and/or services help your ideal client solve his or her pain points?
What three words would you use to describe your ideal client BEFORE he or she purchases your product or services?
What three words would you use to describe your ideal client AFTER he or she purchases your product or services?
What is your brand's aesthetic? What emotions are you trying to convey with your branding?
What are three of your ideal client's biggest fears that YOUR product or service could help them eliminate?
What result is your ideal client looking for when he or she purchases your product or service?
What transformation will your client experience after he/she uses your product or service?
Walk me through what happens after someone purchases your product or service, step by step.
What do you do better or differently than your competitors?
Are there any common objections or sources of hesitation that you've experienced when you've marketed your product or service? If so, please discuss.
Do you have testimonials to share? If you have them on a website already, please post the URL here. Otherwise email them to
What benefits will your client or customer receive after using your product or service?
What inspired you to provide the product or service you now provide?
How long have you been offering this product or service?
How many people have you served already in this capacity?
How does offering this product or service make you feel? What emotions do you experience when you deliver this product or service?
What training or experience do you have that helps you provide a stellar product or service?
Why should a prospective client or customer choose you over someone else who provides this product or service?
What slang words do you love using?
What are some expressions you use often?
What slang words or expression do you hate and would NEVER use?
If you could choose any celebrity to become your client or customer, with whom do you think you'd work best?
Please discuss an event that had a significant impact on your life and drove you toward the work that you do now.
Please discuss the positive changes that have occurred in your own life or the lives of your family as a result of doing the work that you do now.
Please list out a few fun childhood memories and discuss what they mean to you.
Is there anything else you'd like to incorporate into you copy? Any word imagery you love? Stories you'd like to reference?